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Dressing up as Zombie

Zombie dress

Zombie Dress is a real hot trend these days, in Halloween parties and simple theme parties. Dressing up as  Zombie costume for a cosplay event can never get old. There are a several numbers of approaches you can follow to get dressed like one of these pale and ugly undead creatures. Appearances of different zombies can differ vastly and still remain just as good and scary. A zombie costume is effectively very much simple to create. I have compiled a few tips that will surely guide you in becoming a zombie. Following are the tips intended to help you zombify yourself for a Halloween themed event.

Get Started: 

 Zombie looks to come in plenty of variations. You can get inspired by a zombie look from an Oldie, black and white horror movie,  or from modern animated movies (like the zombie looks from movie ‘Hotel Transylvania’).

Dress Up: It is time to get dressed after you are satisfied with the zombie look you want to follow. If you are low on budget, try to choose the look which you can recreate with the items already available at home. If I were to get dressed as a zombie, I would use an old, discardable, loosely fitted tuxedo or a three-piece suit. You can copy this idea too. Take an old formal suit and make it look worse by grating the cloth fibers at places, roughening up the elbows and the knees, getting it wrinkled up and even applying some dust and soot on it. Now the suit will reflect a zombie dress attitude.

Shoes: the most suitable shoes for a zombie costume will be the most worn out shoes in your wardrobe. Just take that ugly pair of shoes out, do not give it another thought and wear them. Make sure if they are not in much crisp condition; beat them up to give them the preferred untidy look. And yes, zombies do not know how to tie their shoelaces; take care that you do not trip, though.

Hair: Ever heard about bed hair? That is the ideal-most hairstyle for a zombie. Get your long hair tousled up; apply dirt and also some of the worst hair tints humans have ever invented. This will do. If you are a relatively grown-up male, try not shaving today. The stubble will add to the look of the carelessness of you as a zombie.

Get The Attitude: The correct attitude is just as important as the costume itself. To acquire a zombie attitude, you need to know about the attitude of a typical zombie. Zombies are basically senseless. They do not have emotions, they do not feel pain, they do not cry or laugh. Their brains respond only to the basic of the primary needs of a living thing to survive; food. During the event, keep on saying just one word without any emotions in your tone; ‘Brains!!!’ Zombies love to eat the brains of other humans. I guess they are unwittingly jealous. Moreover, a zombie can limp while walking. Keep your eyes wide open as if you never learned how to blink. The whole point is to seem as uncanny and senseless as possible.

Makeup:  As you know that zombies are undead creatures; their blood is cold. So, their skin is pale and lifeless. Paint the exposed parts of your body with a nontoxic paint of suitable colors. You can use yellow, brown or grey color, but the most popular skin color for a zombie is dark, pale green. Give the area around your eyes some makeup touches to help your eyes look even more wide open. You can do this by darkening the skin around the eyes.

Lastly and most importantly, use of fake blood is a must. You can make fake blood at home simply by missing some red food color and cornstarch. Get creative and apply this homemade blood at places on your costume and even on your hands and face. Apart from this, you can use makeup cosmetics to show some really cool effects. You can paint scars and bruises. You can paint marks around your neck as if you had been recently strangled by your last victim. You can even paint teeth marks on your arm as though your victim, just before dying, made a last effort to live and bit your arm.

Props: There are a lot of props compatible with a zombie costume. Apart from hats and gloves etc, a zombie can need a weapon to help him beat out the brains of his victim. You can hold anything as a weapon, be it a pole, a baseball bat, a broken glass bottle or a glass shard. But take care while handling these.

About the author

Raymond Smith

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